Friday, March 25, 2011


I guess it's time to add a Dinosaur, although odd looking and substantially different from anything that roams the earth today, they have become an everyday item to me over the past years. Here we have a lone Brachiosaurus walking along the shore of a lake at sunset, somewhere in what is now East Africa 150 million years ago. It disturbs a Rhamphorhynchus which flits about until it can return to it's fishing.


Unknown said...

Beautiful mate! I wonder what kind of music would suit this pic? Great Work! Derek (samui)

Colin Stok said...

Amazing picture!

Jon Hughes said...

well thankyou for the positive comments. I think in retrospect I would move one of the legs to add more movement. Apologies for not responding sooner (the reason for which is complete ignorance on how to add notifications of messages to my email address).. will try to do better!

cheers, Jon